Be simple but fruity and "fresh" with this green tee from shop intuition.
Get fruity with Juicy, in this yellow strawberry tee (yellow is very in this spring too!)
This green apple patterned creation by Luella Bartle is simply gorgeous! It is fruity in a very stylish and subtle way that is both very refreshing and elegant. Sigh. . . I want it!!
Be delicious in this cherry patterned summer dress by Nanette Lepore.
And we must not forget the origin of the come back of fruits- the Louis Vuitton Murakami Cherry bag ofcourse! Who can resist this?
But if you cannot afford that lovely creation, you can still be fruity with this super-cute strawberry tote from Urban Outfitters. And for once you FINALLY fit in all your essentials-perfect for school or for casual wear.