Christian Roth Sunglasses

While flipping though Tattler, (which is an excellent magazine on the British high society btw,) I noticed that the Fashion editorial featured this gorgeous pair of sunglasses, and even though they were 300 pounds for a pair, I simply cannot resist checking them out online. Most of the sunglasses were designed with the hip, trendy and rich girl or guy in mind. They are highly fashionable and have a large variety for you to choose from. Here are a few favourites:
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For those who are stylish, trendy and celeb-like.
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Perfect for the funky look.
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For those who are too cool and sleek for anything else.
Check out more Christian Roth sunglasses here.
Speaking of sunglasses, I can't resist showing you another one of my favourite pair of sunglasses this season. This pair is the one worn in the new Dior ads.
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by Dior