Get more SLEEP with these. .

A recent survey done by the National Sleep Foundation, shows that three quarters of adult Americans don't get enough sleep. The average adult American have 6.9 hrs of zzz's a day, while according to experts adults need a minimum of 7-9hrs a night. Not only will lack of sleep lead to grumpiness and increase in motor accidents as people become drowsy while driving, but to dark cirlces, acne and low metabolism!!!! And so in order to help everyone catch more sleep , we thought these cute night wear would help. . .

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One can want to look super cute in this bright polka dot Victoria's Secret matching PJs. . .

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Or these adorable multicolor polka dot matching PJs from Nick and Nora's.

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One can even mix and match, like this Old Navy set. This is by far my favourite, I have something very similar myself.

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Or you may prefer to look pretty and feminine in a gown, such as this lovely Burberry nightgown and robe.

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Maybe even feminine AND sexy in this Oscar de la Renta chemise. There reallly isn't any fashion in night wear (not that I know off anyway). At the end of the day, I think it all comes down to comfort and personal preference. Which nightwear do YOU prefer?

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And do match your nightwear with super fluffy, super soft, warm and comfy slippers such as the one on the left from Mark and Spencer or the one of the right from Amy Jo Gladstone.

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Complete this with these Lavendar scented products from Crab Tree and Evelyn. Lavendar soothes and destresses you, which helps you sleep. Have a good night everyone!!!